PLANARCH s.r.l. is a private consulting engineering firm. It was created originally in 1971 as “Studio Martuscelli”, a professional firm operating as an individual consultant, in Rome. Then, in 1982, as a result of its growth, the firm became a Ltd. Company.
Planarch continued to work under the name of Studio Martuscelli in those Projects for which the Italian legislation did not recognise as the engineering firms right of sealing.

Planarch has more than 35 years of experience in working with Government, Public and Private Agencies particularly in the field of public works, as responsible for design and construction management, in the field of Restoration and. in the field of Planning.

In the last years, to enlarge its range of operations outside its national borders, Planarch increased the number of its key personnel with international experts, and have carried out assignments in  foreign countries, as Albania, Palestine, Kossovo, Venezuela and Republica Dominicana.

Planarch is registered with OICE, Association of the Engineering Firms, and with ACASS, the Architect-Engineer Contract Administration Support System of the US ARMY, Portland District, Corps of Engineers, with C.C.R., Central Consultancy Register of DG1A EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General I.A, n° ITA 22549 and with DACON of DG VIII, EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General VIII Development, Technical Co-operation,  n° P638.

Planarch operate in compliance with a Quality System certified on 22/01/2004 by the certification agency RINA, based on the UNI standard EN-ISO ISO 9001:2000, with certificate n. 10245/04.